The Black Dot On White Paper

Ben Aryandiaz Herawan
3 min readOct 23, 2017


Tau ga tentang cerita “The Black Dot on White Paper?

Gua baca cerita ini beneran sekilas, ga nyampe 1 menit baca dari awal sampai akhir. Tapi entah kenapa, ini cerita ga pernah lepas dari otak. Semakin lama malah semakin ingat, bahkan sampai jadi mindset yang gua pake tiap hari.

Ceritanya sederhana banget padahal, ada seorang professor filsafat yang lagi ngajar di depan muridnya. Dia kemudian ngambil kertas putih, dan naro satu titik item pake spidol di tengah kertas tersebut. Setelahnya dia ngeliatin kertas tersebut ke muridnya, dan kemudian bertanya:

“What do you see?”

Muridnya jelas ngejawab, “I see a black dot on white paper sir”.
Jelas, karena memang beneran ada titik hitam yang digambar oleh sang professor.

“Are you sure? You didn’t see anything else?”

Gurunya balik nanya, dan seketika itu juga muridnya mulai ngerasa kalau itu semacam pertanyaan jebakan.

“Yes sir, all I can see is a black dot on a white paper”

Mendengar jawaban ini, sang professor tersenyum. Murid pun semakin kebingungan dan beneran ga tau harus mikir apa. Professor pun kemudian mengeluarkan suaranya, menjelaskan apa maksud dari pertanyaannya:

“I just want to give something to think about, Ok? A momentary lesson that will echoes in your mind forever”

“This paper — You’re not wrong, but you’re not right either. You all see the black dot, yes? But why you didn’t notice the white part of the paper? Everyone focused on the black dot — and the same happens in our lives. We have a white paper to observe and enjoy, but we always focus on the dark spots”

“We often insist our mind to focusing only on the dark spots. We often focus on other people mistakes, flaws, weakness, imperfection, and their evil intention which probably doesn’t even exist”

“We also never ask ourselves WHY we always focusing on the dark spots. All we do is blaming, doubting, fearing and feeding our own ego. We MAKE our own black spot getting bigger and bigger everyday, by giving away all the good thing we can do to other people”

“To put it simple, have you ever asking or just thinking to yourselves in the morning : Am I gonna be a good person today? Am I gonna giving my best today, giving smile to everyone and try to become the most humble and caring version of yourself?”

Or you just go out there, throwing rant, gives toxic opinion, spreading hates, lies, and always give judgmental looks to each and every person you see on your commute?”

Kelas pun hening, semua murid terdiam dengan tatapan kosong. Mungkin mereka sedang bertanya pada diri mereka sendiri.

“Now after you know this facts, you should choose which one do you focused on every single day: the black dots representing your fear, envy, anger, arrogance, superiority, and false pride. Or you focused on peace, love, hope, kindness, truth and compassion?”

Kalo kata gua, ini cerita edan banget sih. Bikin melek, bikin punya pandangan baru dan beneran jadi mikir. Sekarang setiap gua bangun, pasti gua inget cerita ini. Gua jadi selalu mencoba yang terbaik setiap harinya.

Mencoba untuk ga marah-marah di internet, ga ngeluh, ga nyuapin ego, ga nge-judgje orang seenak jidat, selalu nyebar senyum, stay humble, dan mencoba menjadi orang yang paling bermanfaat untuk orang lain.

After all, bukannya itu ya yang diajarin sama Rasulullah?



Ben Aryandiaz Herawan
Ben Aryandiaz Herawan

Written by Ben Aryandiaz Herawan

Ars Longa, Vita Brevis. Currently writing what's tangling in my mind.

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